Once all Stableford scores are in they are put in descending order and points are then given towards the 1862 Championship, handicaps are then changed depending on which catergory you are in and the position you come.

See tables below
Below 12
PointsLose or gainChangePreviously
1st place12lose-0.5-1.2
2nd place9lose-0.4-0.7
3rd place7lose-0.3-0.4
4th place6lose-0.2-0.2
5th place5stay0-0.1
6th place4gain+0.30
7th place3gain+0.3+0.4
8th place2gain+0.3+0.4
9th place1gain+0.3+0.4
Everyone else0 gain+0.3+0.4
12.to 17.9 HANDICAPPointsLose or gainChangePreviously
1st place12lose-0.9-1.2
2nd place9lose-0.7-0.7
3rd place7lose-0.5-0.4
4th place6lose-0.3-0.2
5th place5stay0-0.1
6th place4gain+0.50
7th place3gain+0.5+0.4
8th place2gain+0.5+0.4
9th place1gain+0.5+0.4
Everyone else0 gain+0.5+0.4
18 to 23.9 HANDICAPPointsLose or gainChangePreviously
1st place12lose-1.3-1.7
2nd place9lose-1.0-0.9
3rd place7lose-0.7-0.5
4th place6lose-0.4-0.3
5th place5stay0-0.1
6th place4gain+0.70
7th place3gain+0.7+0.4
8th place2gain+0.7+0.4
9th place1gain+0.7+0.4
Everyone else0 gain+0.7+0.4
24-29.9 HANDICAPPointsLose or gainChangePreviously
1st place12lose-1.7-2.5
2nd place9lose-1.3-1.3
3rd place7lose-0.9-0.8
4th place6lose-0.5-0.5
5th place5stay0-0.3
6th place4gain+0.80
7th place3gain+0.8+0.4
8th place2gain+0.8+0.4
9th place1gain+0.8+0.4
Everyone else0 gain+0.8+0.4
30 to 36 HANDICAPPointsLose or gainChangePreviously
1st place12lose-2.1-2.5
2nd place9lose-1.6-1.3
3rd place7lose-1.1-0.8
4th place6lose-0.6-0.5
5th place5stay0-0.3
6th place4gain+0.90
7th place3gain+0.9+0.4
8th place2gain+0.9+0.4
9th place1gain+0.9+0.4
Everyone else0 gain+0.9+0.4
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